Certain times are held above others: the times when you get to decide upon your actions without regard to prior obligations or responsibilities. Which is rather odd. Every moment of every day, you decide what you do. You don’t need to care about your obligations or responsibilities. Only the consequences of your actions.
I reject the notion that time spent meeting your obligations or following your routines should be less valuable that spontaneous actions. Why should your routines need to be less valuable than your whims? If anything, they should be more worthwhile.
You can, and should put a great deal of thought and effort into honing your routines. Let them be your bastions of calm. Of focus. Of whatever makes you feel alive.
Likewise, you should rid yourself of obligations that are unworthy of your time. Commitments are not thrust upon you. They are not chains binding you to a course of action. They are opportunities. That were offered. And taken.
Set them down once they stop serving you. Often requires a process, and sometimes it continuing with your obligations for a time. But if something is not serving you, stop carrying it.