Yesterday, my motivation took a vacation. Sadly, the rest of me did not. My actions felt pointless. My experience felt pointless. And I felt lifeless. Why did life feel so bland?
And how did I respond?
As you might imagine, I did not like feeling this way. So I engaged in some emotional first aid. The treatment of choice? Entertainment, specifically reading stories. Unfortunately, it didn’t work. I kept skipping around between stories, and felt guilty over being unproductive. The entire day was a struggle. I struggled to focus on work. And I struggled to enjoy my breaks.
I ended the day feeling guilty and frustrated because I was unproductive, and tired. But why did I feel tired? I hadn’t done much of anything. Oh but I had, I wrestled with my emotions all day. Instead of struggling with the problems that I was supposed to be solving, I struggled with myself.
It was my consciousness vs my emotions. And my consciousness was severely outmatched. I knew what I had to do, so my consciousness laid out clear steps. But my emotions said, ‘Nah, don’t feel like it.’ So my consciousness offered a break, which was readily accepted, and then it asked again. But it kept getting the same response. And it got frustrated. There was no pleasing those silly emotions. They wanted everything, but weren’t happy when they got it. Just ignore them. Only that strategy didn’t work either.
How should I handle this?
I should have taken lots of breaks. No, not entertainment ones. Those simply distract from my emotions. I have taken restful breaks that allowed my mind to clear. The kind that allowed me to see the thoughts and feelings swirling around my skull.
I needed to speak to my emotions instead of ordering them. Instead of saying, I should do this so I complete my project by the date I said I was going to (or at least set myself up for success on that task), I should have said do this and you’ll feel like you accomplished something. You’ll feel focused and determined. And you enjoy feeling that way don’t you? I spent the morning trying to logic my emotions into line. I should have spent that time identifying and reconnecting with my motivation.
Most of our feelings are not caused directly by sensations, but by the emotional conclusions we hold. Emotions have a logic of their own. And it pays to tease it apart in order to identify the assumptions that your feelings rest on. I felt like work was pointless. Why was that? Because I didn’t enjoy it or benefit from it. This particular task was rather dull or easy, so I’ll grant the first premise. But I definitely am benefitting from work (I’m getting paid if nothing else). So what benefit am I missing? I’m not growing from this. It’s too easy, so I’m not developing my skills. But what about focus? Isn’t that a skill that you care about developing. And it was. And just like that, I felt better about it.
What about you?
Have you felt dull and lifeless recently? How did you handle it?